Month: May 2014

Overshooting an argument

When trying to make a point one should be very careful not to overshoot their argument. I’ve seen many potential paradigm shifts fall into the realms of absurdity because the argument did not stick to the core ideas from which it derived. People will rationally adopt a principle and then make irrational conclusions based off…

How I didn’t choose to write this post

We know there are parts of the body operating that are not within control of your consciousness. When your heart is pumping blood the process is not dictated by your brain (consciousness). You can move your arm whenever you want, but that motion is commanded by the brain. We understand the brain to be an organ in the…

Can Atheists Have a Basis for Morality?

Can Atheists have a basis for morality.. I have heard two separate answers to this question. I’ll start with the first. The first says that as an atheist you have no reason to be good or bad. If we are just molecules acting according to our genes and environment then there is no reason to…