Month: January 2017

On Reverse Racism

To accost instances of reverse racism–such as when a white person is told that they cannot experience discrimination because of the color of their skin–is consistent with egalitarian principles. But I suspect that these points are sometimes not made in reference to the general idea of egalitarianism, but rather with respect to the ongoing debate about…


In my utilitarianist view, ethics is most often about minimizing damage, not avoiding it. In most situations avoiding damage is impossible, and being that inaction is just as much of a decision as action–in that it brings about a consequence–the moral decision is to do something, and for that something to take into consideration the net…

Corruption, a Societal Necessity

All ideas discussed in this post are discussed with only their efficacy as a function in mind. Whether or not the ideas advanced are morally permissible, by whichever system of ethics you have chosen to adopt, is not the concern of this post. The notion of the social contract gives us an understanding of the…