Month: April 2014

Equal Rights and Same Standards

If you didn’t catch last tuesday nights (April 22) episode of The Daily Show I highly recommend looking it up. It’s one of the best episodes of the show I’ve seen and it features an interesting interview with Massachusetts Senator, Elizabeth Warren. Now because I’m a blogger with nothing better to do, I’d like to…


Nationalism is encouraged from your earliest days as a child to your seniority and those who don’t agree with this patriotism are told they are both disrespectful and ungrateful. I’ve always been curious as to why this fervor is so strong. What do we mean when we say things like “I’m proud to be an…

Can a selfless act exist? (continued)

We’ve explored how all actions are selfish in the sense that all actions are committed with ones self in mind. The word selfish doesn’t actually represent the concept I’m speaking of because in the philosophical realm the words selfish and selfless are useless. These words represent the motives behind the action, but the motives are…

Thoughts on morality

If one doesn’t believe in absolutes then one cannot have an objective morality. If one lacks an objective morality then one makes up his moral standard. Is this still morality? If one’s ethics comes from no objective standard then there is no absolute right or wrong. There is only the arbitrary decision of what is…

Lack of Free-Will (continued)

IT’S BACK! Okay, since free will (specifically a lack of) keeps popping up, it may be best to create a category of its own. This will be a short post consisting primarily of a quote by David Hume pulled from his writing An Enquiry of Concerning Human Understanding. “While we act, we are, at the…

What was the message of Noah?

Having seen Noah last night I must admit I’m intrigued by what the message of the movie might have been (assuming there even was one). It is known that the director of the film is an atheist and has been quoted saying it is the “least biblical film ever made.” From seeing the film I can assure…