Month: March 2014

Can you reconcile humanitarianism and religious tolerance?

A common criticism of religion by atheists is that the practice wastes time and money. Many atheists argue that religion misplaces charitable givings. The argument is the effort that’s spent on superstitious ritual could be spent on social justice. If you don’t believe in God and claim to have humanitarian values you should feel indignant…

The failed principles of sexism

If you look down on half the human race for their inborn nature, you present yourself as no friend of humanity. You know many members of the opposite sex who contribute to society more than members of your own. This should hint that inferiority is not caused or overcome by gender. It is an inconsistent…

What the Word Atheist Means

If you are not a Muslim you probably don’t identify yourself as a non-Muslim, and you would agree with me when I give you the label non-Muslim. We don’t walk around identifying ourselves by a negation of specific beliefs. That would be a waste of time. You don’t get on Facebook and type in non-Muslim,…

Duty to be Skeptical

We have learned from history that we are often wrong about many things. The Earth was once thought to be flat. The stars were believed to be fixed in the sky and that they would fall to the earth according to the bible. The Ptolemaic model of the solar system was believed to be correct…

The Form of Pride I Find Most Corrupting

As a devout determinist I have found the concept of pride to be obsolete. This post will be a look at the form of pride I find to be the most corrupting. Pride for things like nationality, race, sex, and every other label. When defining whom a person really is, these things shouldn’t matter. Acknowledging…

Thoughts On Kindness

  Be kind because you want to, and if you don’t want to, be kind out of spite that you were born without the desire to want to. The latter is for you rebellious people out there. Nothing is more rebellious than the rebellion waged against your own predisposition. You’ve evolved to a state of…

Can a “selfless action” exist?

The human experience is solitary. You will never be able to share a persons actual thoughts and feelings, so your experience is purely subjective. If only you share your entire experience, can the concept of a “selfless act” even exist? Lets take the instance of tipping a waiter at a restaurant. If you tip him…