Category: Creative Writing

Reblog: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick My rating: 5 of 5 stars When Philip K Dick first saw the script for Bladerunner, the film adaption of his novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, he wasn’t too happy. In an interview with Rod Sterling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine, he even professed […]…

Published Column on Sci Phi Journal

I’ve become a regular contributor to Sci Phi Journal and would like to share my column’s first piece: Revisiting Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy. In the article, I examine the repercussions of Plato’s “benevolent dictator,” advocated for in The Republic, and portrayed in one of Asimov’s most widely known works. If you’re a fan of philosophy and…

Precognition – First Short Story Publication!

The story has been published through Daily Science Fiction here: My inspirations for this story come from my own philosophical musings about the Book of Life, a thought experiment advanced by free will advocates in rejection of determinism, one that affords a paradox yet to be solved in philosophy. I find it strange that…

The War of the Worlds

In 1898, the English author H.G. Wells published The War of the Worlds, a fictitious and imaginative account of an alien invasion of Earth from Mars. Towards the end of the novel’s eleventh chapter, Wells describes a scene of destruction left behind from the first Martian attack, one in which an entire town was leveled…

Discovering purpose

We all look for purpose in our everyday lives. What job should I pursue? Should I pursue a job at all? What bag of potato chips should I go with? Never the sour-cream and onion; They make my breathe smell bad. Anyways, back to purpose. Before asking what purpose you could possibly have, given our…

Coffee and blogging

I recently made a post about listening to music while blogging/writing. The previous post was intended to have a large comedic overtone, so I was pleasantly surprised by some of the comments I received. Some responses relayed the idea that music is a big part of your writing process as well. So it got me…

Listening to music while blogging

In this post I want to address the many reasons why one may not receive the response desired from a blog post. Sure, there are many reasons, including but not limited to: content, correct use of social media, tone, and many many others. But I want to address one writing aid that is indispensable. Music!…

Squirrels are nuts

I’ve never thought too much about squirrels. I do now. As I was walking on the sidewalk back from class I passed a squirrel. This squirrel did not conform to the ordinary manner of which squirrels usually do. This squirrel was different. What was different you ask? Proximity. This particular squirrel was abnormally close to…